Hi, nice that you landed on the website of the floorball shop Floorball Hayungs. My name is Dennis Hayungs. I am the one who started this floorball shop. I have been active as a player, trainer and organizer in floorball since 1997 and have already coached many teams of all ages in Berlin and in Northern Germany. With the Floorball Shop Floorball Hayungs, I would like to continue to support floorball sport – even if I am no longer participating in league play due to family reasons – with friendly advice, good service and fair prices.
My floorball experience
- since 2019 Karower Dachse
(coach, player) - 2017-2018 UHC Berlin
(player) - 2013 – 2016 TSV Lesum-Burgdamm
(player, coach, “inventor” of the international Floorball Festival Bremen ) - 2011 – 2012 TuS Vahrenwald
(players, coache) - 2010 UHC Berlin
(Player) - 2005 – 2010 TSV Rangsdorf (coach)
- 2001 – 2010 AC Berlin ( first Berlin Champion strong> on the large field)
(head of floorball department, coach, player, “inventor” of the international Floorball Festival Berlin ) - 1997 – 2000 Eintracht Innova Berlin